Archive for the ‘Louise’ Category

How to win in the anniversary memory stakes…

January 18, 2009

Every year, without fail my memory fails me over anniversaries. Specifically the wedding anniversary. Not that I have trouble remembering the date; after all the 13th of February is not a date you’re likely to forget, especially when it was a Friday we were married on.

But this year I’ve won the annual anniversary prize. Because although I remember the date, I rarely remember the year. But last night I did. And even better, Louise got it wrong. Much crowing was done. In fact, it’s something I think I’ll be mentioning regularly over the coming year.

Louise now claims Internet arrival …..

December 30, 2008

Pete linked to me earlier today with this:

Rich Bruton’s wife on the tone of his blog – “Sometimes you just seem like a single dad, sometimes you just plain get it wrong but most of the time you just sound like a chronic manic depressive, fucked off with everything and thoroughly fed up with the world.”

Louise’s comment upon seeing this little nugget:
“This means I’ve made it then? Getting linked by the great blogging god?”
Cheers Pete!

Blogging and Louise’s verdict…..

December 16, 2008

Louise and I were talking about the blog tonight and her verdict is; sometimes you just seem like a single dad, sometimes you just plain get it wrong but most of the time you just sound like a chronic manic depressive, fucked off with everything and thoroughly fed up with the world.

Then she admits to me that sometimes, when she knows I’ve had a bad few days she’ll open the blog up at work and just laughs at the misery. Laughs in a good way obviously. She knows me too well. But it’s always good, she says, to see my take on things after I’ve sat down and thought about it for a little bit.

Of course, in the interests of not putting myself into too bad a light, I really should point out that all is good in life most of the time, but how bloody fed up would you get with a series of blog posts talking about how lovely everything is, how gorgeous the world is, how everything is rosy etc etc. Plus, when I’m in a foul mood I’ll often retreat into words, whereas when I’m in a great mood I’ll often be doing other stuff.

Happy Birthday Louise …..

August 19, 2008

She doesn’t get that many mentions on the blog, at her own behest. “Don’t write about me, don’t you dare” was I think her actual reaction.

But it’s Louise’s birthday today. So Happy Birthday love.

Okay, here’s what Molly and I have planned for the day; Presents are all bought and today we’re spending our time baking and finishing off Molly’s present for mummy. Every year we have the triple problem of what to do; Christmas, Mother’s Day and Birthday. No matter what we get her as presents I know it’s the present from Molly that Louise looks forward to the most. Over the years we’ve run through everything possible, from mugs, pictures, a book written by Molly, I love you Mummy novelties galore. This year we’re doing something slightly different, as Molly came up with the idea on her own; writing a thank you letter to Mummy. We’ve bought special paper, envelope and pens. From what Molly’s done so far I think we’ll be seeing tears from Louise on her birthday. Which always means we’ve done a good job.

Louise’s works do …..

June 22, 2008

Now here’s where it all gets tricky to write about stuff….
Louise has pointed out the blog to people she works with, usually to show them pictures of Molly or to show them what I’m like to live with.
So I know at least some of them may read this.
Which means that, given Louise’s oft repeated objection to me saying too much about her on here, I shall simply report on the weekend’s event and nothing more…..

Louise and I attended the annual work’s gala evening this weekend.
Hotel was lovely, venue lovely, food good but not great (except the pudding; lemon tart and balsamic strawberries – divine).
Everyone I met was lovely.

The great news of the night is that Louise won the Unit Manager of the Year award. Which is a big thing. Everyone seemed very happy for her, which was nice. Now all we have to do is decide where to spend the luxury weekend break that she won.

I think that satisfied the remit of just delivering the news with no editorial content whatsoever. I’m sure I’ll get told this evening.