Archive for the ‘Matthew Badham’ Category

Send Alan Moore A Fiver ….

July 27, 2008

Matthew Badham, having sworn off blogs a while ago, now has another one on the go:
The Send Alan Moore A Fiver blog.
To quote Matthew:

I am not going to go and see the new Watchmen film.
However, should I, for some reason, change my mind, I pledge that I will send Alan Moore a fiver in recognition of the fact that he wrote the comic the film is adapted from, but will, albeit by choice, receive no money from the film’s profits.
I would like other people to make the same pledge.

It’s silly, but fun. Pledge away folks.

Al Ewing & PJ Holden interview

April 23, 2008

Matthew Badham has a huge five part interview with Al Ewing and PJ Holden over at his blog. As usual, Matthew delivers a great interview, covering Kirby, 2000AD, Dredd, zombies and much, much more.

Parts one, two, three, four, five.

Matthew Badham’s Manga adventures….

April 17, 2008

Matthew Badham, he of Overspill and contributor to Down the Tubes, posts up a tale of Manga discovery at the How Manga Took Over The World exhibition at Manchester’s Urbis museum.

Sounds like Matthew’s pretty much like me when it comes to Manga; an interested observer who feels he’s not getting the most out of it, primarily because there’s just too much to absorb and countless reasons not to devote the amount of time and energy necessary to fully appreciate this particular genre. Or is that just me?

But the exhibition does sound good. Click through the picture to find out what Matthew thought.

And there’s also a Flickr stream of photos from the exhibition here.